Diabetes and oral health go hand in hand, so it’s wise to keep up with your general dentistry appointments so you can protect yourself from the symptoms. The two are linked, but how exactly does having diabetes impact your oral health? Keep reading if you’d like to find out.
Every aspect of your wellbeing is linked to another in some way, and there’s a pronounced connection between diabetes and oral health. People who have diabetes are more likely to experience dry mouth, cavities, and toothaches. What’s worse is that dry mouth can lead to the tooth decay, and cavities can eventually cause your teeth to abscess. If you notice any of these symptoms or you discover a fungal mouth infection, see your dentist and your doctor right away to find out if you might have diabetes.
Instead of letting diabetes take away from your oral health, focus more on general dentistry in Tinley Park , IL so you can protect every aspect of your wellbeing. Bayberry Dental in Tinley Park dental care, and you can reach us by calling the office at (708) 802-8300 today.
Send us a message with any questions or enquires.